CHALLENGE: Tasked to create an Android Honeycomb tablet application for Cnet. Cnet has an extensive listing of products covering all genres. Ideating a navigation system that can accommodate the CNET format was the difficulty Matthew McLemore was asked to solve. 
PROCESS: Matthew started by researching the CNET website and current tablet navigations systems, he also compiled research of unique navigation systems found on all devices and operating systems. Matthew used an in-house user study to see how the majority of users held the tablet device as research into tablet navigations systems showed that designs where currently following web-based design patterns. Findings showed users on the go used both hands to hold the tablet and more often than not used their thumbs to type on the keyboard. Almost all users who held a tablet device when standing or shopping used both hands fingers to the back and thumbs in front. At the time there were no thumb driven navigations systems in use, this was before Microsoft 8 released the new OS with a thumb driven navigation system. Matthew McLemore quickly ideated via hand-drawn wireframes multiple thumb operated tablet navigation systems and tested them for ease of use.
RESULTS: A user-friendly navigation system designed to browse the CNET website along with a thumb driven navigation that was comfortable to use, original and incorporated a filtering system that fit within the circular layout. CBS Interactive executives were pleased with the inventive system. Matthew also designed the dark UI to showcase all products in the Android Honeycomb OS carousel style animation used extensively in the recently released Honeycomb operating system.
I tried various options to see about placement. further iterating the idea hand placement and thumb reach usage, dictated how and where the navigation should optimally be placed. 
Using Android Honeycomb's native functionality to scroll through content in a 3d annular space reinforced the circular theme. 
Adding filtering options to the thumb-driven slider fit in well, and made the experience intuitive and user-friendly. 
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