Matthew McLemore now founder of Buzz Mack Media, joined the CBS Sports team at a crucial moment to help expedite the production process. With the department director DaviMeeting an ambitious deadline set by the CBS slice app design team the CBS Interactive slice is positioned next to the Craig Ferguson studio on Beverly Blvd. Tasked with crafting a user-friendly interface for the iPhone and iPad, Matthew was on a mission to transform a data-intensive, multi-sport application into a sleek, user-friendly digital experience.
The approach involved close collaboration with sports aficionados to decode the intricacies of product development plans. The meticulously sculpted information architecture a total of 560 screens and developed wireframes tailored to captivate sports enthusiasts. Our process included segmenting each screen into distinct Photoshop files, alongside curating a dynamic production timeline for a versatile team of freelancers.
The culmination of our efforts was the phenomenal success of the all-sports app, clinching the #1 spot in the app store for an impressive duration of over 60 days. It emerged as one of the most downloaded sports applications in the app store's history upon its debut.
Personal Contributions 
As one of the designers on the CBS All Sports app, a colossal project encompassing over 550 screens across various sports like football, baseball, basketball, college leagues, tennis, and auto racing, Matthew took the initiative to revamp production strategies and employed advanced Photoshop scripting techniques to enhance efficiency. Introducing various freelance designers, He was instrumental in fostering team cohesion and mentoring team members on the nuances of Photoshop. This guidance was critical in accelerating workflow, helping to ensure The CBS Interactive team met stringent deadlines.
The guide for the development team to facilitate an increase in production speed and ease.
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