at Ignited USA, where Matthew McLemore founder of BMM was hired as the UX designer on a team of a highly talented group of digital product creators were tasked to convincingly demonstrate to top executives of potential clients like CEOs, CMOs, and VPs of Marketing across the United States how Ignited's innovative marketing approach could be a game-changer in achieving their business objectives. Our goal was to articulate and showcase Ignited's distinct marketing strategies in a way that resonated with these high-level decision-makers.
Our strategy began with an in-depth analysis of current site usage, identifying patterns of user engagement and points of drop-off. We developed detailed user personas to accurately define our target market, ensuring our approach was tailored and relevant. The design of a responsive website, optimized for both desktop and mobile, was central to our plan. This site was crafted to enhance session duration and minimize user drop-off. Matthew created a comprehensive user flow, complete with annotated wireframes and a clickable prototype, serving as a blueprint for designers and developers to bring the site to life. A post-launch analytics study was conducted to measure and quantify results.
The outcome was a state-of-the-art, scalable masonry website design. This design strategically weighted and ordered content based on a sophisticated content relationship structure. This approach fostered an organic user flow, encouraging visitors to engage more deeply with content that was directly relevant to their specific demographic needs and industry. The result was a dynamic, engaging online experience that not only captivated our target audience but also demonstrated the unique value proposition of Ignited's marketing approach.
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